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1. In the Same Boat .jpg

In the Same Boat

Monique Zepeda Illustrated by Monique Zepeda

 36 pp, all ages

World rights for all languages except Spanish

A reflection about what living in society entails and the meaning we give to concepts such as equality, tolerance, respect, freedom, solidarity, and justice. Through a profound short story with poetic tone, Monique Zepeda criticizes individualism and indifference that characterize modern societies, that can only be erradicated if we understand that "we all sail in the same boat."

3. The Whole Truth .jpg

The Whole Truth

Monique Zepeda illustrated by Ixchel Estrada

 40 pp, all ages

World rights for all languages except Spanish. Rights sold for Simple Chinese for China

Is it true that you always have to tell the whole truth? One day Toto Kartush told a big lie. It was a terrible and horrible day. His life got even worse when he tried to understand adults ... Translated into Chinese and Korean.

2. Kassungilá .jpg


Monique Zepeda Illustrated by Monique Zepeda

 48 pp, all ages

World rights for all languages except Spanish

Kassunguilà is a small fish that lives at the bottom of the sea feeling safe under the umbrella, until one day a terrible storm rips it from his peaceful life and begins a journey to regain peace and self-confidence. White Ravens List, 2009

whole truth
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